How to make phishing page of any website
How to make phishing page of any website

how to make phishing page of any website

When the victim clicks on the obfuscated URL, it will bring him to our fake site. The sending email address should be as convincingly close to Facebook as possible. We will do this through sending him an email but in order for the victim not to smell something fishy, we will obfuscate the URL of the fake page we are about to send him. The next thing we have to do is to send address of our fake website to the victim. If the page is like below, then our phishing page is working. Let’s check if our phishing page is ready by typing the address of our site. Then using Online File Management upload your own index.html and phish.php files to the htdocs folder.

#How to make phishing page of any website for free

Google for free web hosting sites, select any one of them(I selected bytehost7), create an account with username as close to Facebook as possible and delete the index.html file available in the htdocs folder.

how to make phishing page of any website

Next step is to upload these files to any free web hosting site available on the internet. What this script does is it logs the user credentials and saves it to a file named “pass.txt”. Open Notepad and type the following script into it and save it as “phish.php”. We are doing this so when the user enters his credentials the page that loads will be “ phish.php” and not the usual page Facebook loads. Now change the value of action to “ phish.php”. This “action” specifies the website what to do after users enter credentials and submit those. Now open index.html using notepad and hit “ CTRL+F”.In the Find box opened, type “ action” and click on “ Find Next”. Save the page as “ index.html” on your computer. Right click on the page and click on “ Save As”. The source of the web page is displayed in the browser. Open your browser, go to the Facebook website, Right click on the webpage and click on “ view page source”. Although we make a phishing page of Facebook in this tutorial, it can be used to make a phishing page of any website. This post demonstrates phishing tutorial for beginners. What exactly is phishing? Phishing is an act of presenting a fake page resembling the original webpage you intend to visit with the sole intention of stealing your credentials. Phishing is one of the unique method of hacking that involves social engineering.

How to make phishing page of any website